Amana XBRL tagger

The easiest way to report the financial statements of listed companies in XHTML format!

All listed companies on the main list of Nasdaq Helsinki must report their financial statements in XHTML format. The main statements of the consolidated financial statements of listed companies must be marked with the so-called XBLR tags. The Amana XBLR Tagger provides the easiest way on the market to execute these ESEF requirements without a deployment project, and we warmly recommend it to all companies on the main list.

From 2022 onwards, the notes to the financial statements will also be covered by the XBRL requirements and the workload will be even bigger. The Amana XBLR Tagger efficiently eases this operation. You can easily access the XBLR tagger with a few clicks and start creating ESEF-compliant reports from the same session. Thus, no special IT skills or consulting are required to implement the software.

Amana's XBLR Tagger reads directly financial statements in Word, PDF, HTML, and InDesign formats, ie no integrations are required. Once the “tag” has been made, it can be used for the following year’s ESEF report and comparative data is ready.

Automation in Amana's XBLR tagger recognizes the file format of the file being processed. Automation also makes it easy to find compliance with IFRS taxonomy for financial statement figures and accounts.

Amana XBLR tagger's features:

  • Stand-alone-solution
  • PDF / Word / InDesign tagging
  • Plug & Play
  • All taxonomies and languages
  • Auto-tagging and mapping by smart AI
  • Corporate design compatible export

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    Contact us and let's arrange a demo where you can get to know the Amana XBRL tagger in practise!