Eco Suite Netsuite carbon calculator Hero

CO2 emissions calculator for managing carbon footprint

The NetSuite add-on automates carbon footprint calculations by leveraging data from your company's operations stored in NetSuite, along with a predefined calculation formula. This tool offers a comprehensive overview of your company's carbon dioxide emissions, enabling you to monitor, report, and enhance the sustainability of your operations with greater efficiency.

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The NetSuite CO2 emissions calculator automates and provides real-time carbon footprint calculations

Calculating carbon footprint is a cornerstone of corporate sustainability. Every company has climate impacts either directly through its operations or indirectly through its value chain. Instead of manually collecting the data needed for carbon footprint calculations from various sources, a significant portion of the data is available through NetSuite: for example, purchase and expense data can be accessed in NetSuite without limitations as the starting point for calculations.

Starting from 2024
, the CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) mandates all large publicly listed companies to report on their sustainability according to the new standard. Afterward, the directive will progress in stages, extending to large and medium-sized enterprises meeting certain criteria by 2025. Learn more about CSRD. Greenstep's team of sustainability experts and NetSuite specialists collaborates to help you navigate the requirements and necessary actions related to carbon footprint reporting under the new sustainability reporting directive.

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Automated solution

The tool calculates and generates emission reports based on the data within NetSuite, utilizing predefined calculation parameters such as mass, value, or product-based metrics - all fully automated.

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Accessible data

Reports can be generated at any time, giving you the flexibility to access insights whenever needed. This ensures that you have an up-to-date overview, empowering you to make informed decisions promptly.

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Visual reporting

Reports can be compiled directly into NetSuite, BI Book, or any other external reporting view. With visual charts, you can easily grasp the big picture in a clear and understandable manner.

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Measurement and management of carbon footprint as part of company sustainability reporting

NetSuite, financial management, and sustainable development are seamlessly integrated in Greenstep's expertise, providing comprehensive support to our clients. Our wide range of services aims to help companies initiate and advance their sustainability efforts quickly and effortlessly. Steering business towards a more sustainable direction isn't just an opportunity to gain a competitive edge; it's also a necessity driven by the EU's CSR directive.

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A multidisciplinary team of experts at your service

At Greenstep, we bring together a team of experienced NetSuite consultants and sustainability experts. This combination allows us to fully leverage the potential of NetSuite across various areas of business. We offer our clients comprehensive solutions ranging from NetSuite implementation to ongoing development needs and support services, tailoring our offerings to meet every requirement.