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The Ultimate Guide to NetSuite Inventory Management

NetSuite Inventory Management is a powerful tool that allows businesses to effectively track and control their inventory. The usual case for companies to choose NetSuite for inventory management is to have a unified system that manages inventory, sales and accounting all in one. Whether you're a small business owner or a large enterprise, understanding how to efficiently manage your inventory in NetSuite can have a significant impact on your overall operations.


Automated and seamless operations with NetSuite Inventory Management

NetSuite inventory management provides businesses with a comprehensive suite of tools to effectively track, control, and optimize their inventory. By understanding the basics, setting up your system correctly, and applying best practices, you can streamline your operations and focus on what matters most: serving your customers and growing your business. With proper integration and troubleshooting, NetSuite can be the ultimate inventory management solution for your organization.

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"The best part about the tool is that it makes inventory management a seamless part of the process and you don’t have to actively think about it."

- Jaakko Kairtamo

Special features of NetSuite Inventory Management

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Real-Time Inventory Visibility and Resource management planning

NetSuite provides real-time visibility into your inventory levels, allowing you to make informed decisions about purchasing and sales. You can track inventory across multiple locations, and the system automatically updates as items are received or shipped. This eliminates the need for manual tracking, reduces the risk of errors and helps you maintain optimized inventory levels and avoid stockouts or overstocks.

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Multi-channel inventory management

Seamlessly sell across multiple channels, including online marketplaces and physical stores. You can set up multiple warehouses and locations to accurately keep track of where your items are stored. NetSuite also supports advanced inventory management features like bin management, lot tracking, matrix items and serialized inventory, allowing businesses to efficiently manage complex inventory scenarios.

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Automated Order Fulfilment

NetSuite's inventory management add-on automates the order fulfilment process, reducing the time and effort required to get products to your customers. The system can automatically generate pick, pack, and ship orders, and it can even prioritize orders based on criteria such as delivery date or customer priority.

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Advanced Forecasting

NetSuite's advanced forecasting capabilities can help you plan for future demand. The system uses historical sales data and sophisticated algorithms to predict future sales trends, helping you make more accurate purchasing decisions.

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Streamlined operations

NetSuite inventory management is integrated with sales and purchase processes, which enables real-time inventory updates and automated order processing. When a sale is made or a purchase order is received, inventory levels automatically adjust, ensuring accurate stock availability information. The data can also be used to generate comprehensive financial statements and make informed business decisions.

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Cost optimization

As NetSuite inventory management tracks your sales, purchases, manufacturing costs automatically in the background, you can determine how the operational costs are built up in your procurement process in different locations. With NetSuite, you can manage different pricing options that are rolled out on top of the basic purchasing price depending on additional fees.

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Implementing NetSuite Inventory Management

Implementing NetSuite inventory management requires careful planning and execution. The first step is to understand your current inventory management processes and identify areas for improvement. This can involve analysing your inventory turnover, identifying bottlenecks in your order fulfilment process, and assessing your forecasting accuracy.

Once you have a clear understanding of your current processes, you can begin configuring NetSuite to meet your specific needs. This can involve setting up your inventory items, defining your warehouses and locations, and configuring your order fulfilment workflows. It's important to test the system thoroughly before going live to ensure that everything is working as expected.

Finally, training is a critical aspect of any software implementation. Your staff need to understand how to use NetSuite effectively, and this requires comprehensive training. This can involve formal training sessions, hands-on practice, and ongoing support.

Optimising your NetSuite inventory management

Now that your NetSuite inventory management system is set up, it's time to focus on optimization. Fine-tuning your inventory management processes can significantly enhance your efficiency and profitability. Consider implementing the following tips to optimize your inventory management in NetSuite:

  1. Regularly monitor and analyze your inventory performance to identify trends and make data-driven decisions.
  2. Leverage demand forecasting to anticipate customer demand and optimize your replenishment strategies.
  3. Implement barcode scanning or RFID technologies to streamline inventory counting and reduce human errors.
  4. Set up automated alerts and notifications to inform relevant stakeholders about critical inventory events, such as low stock levels or expiring items.
  5. Embrace cross-functional collaboration by integrating your inventory management system with other departments, such as sales and purchasing.

Avoiding common inventory management mistakes

Proper inventory management is crucial for maximizing profitability and ensuring customer satisfaction. Avoiding common inventory management mistakes can save you time, money, and headaches. Here are a few common pitfalls that NetSuite inventory management can help you watch out for.

  • Overstocking: Having excessive inventory ties up your working capital and increases the risk of obsolescence or spoilage.
  • Understocking: Inadequate inventory levels can result in stockouts, missed sales opportunities, and dissatisfied customers.
  • Poor demand forecasting: Inaccurate demand forecasts can lead to stockouts or excess inventory, impacting your bottom line.
  • Manual processes: Relying on manual data entry and processes increases the risk of errors and slows down your operations.
Net Suite CRM

Ready to elevate your NetSuite inventory management to the next level? Greenstep is here to guide you through every step of the process. With our expertise in accounting, payroll, HR, CFO services, and BI Analytics dashboards, our team of over 700 professionals—including approximately 60 dedicated software developers—is equipped to ensure your NetSuite implementation is seamless and successful. Don't miss the opportunity to optimize your business operations.

Book a meeting with Greenstep today and start your journey towards streamlined inventory management and business growth.