Interim Controller/CFO

CFO on parental leave? Recruiting a new controller has delayed, but budgeting should be completed?

No worries, Greenstep's 40 experienced CFO / controller professionals will help you, whether it's a large or small company.

Greenstep provides interim CFO / controller services to companies of all sizes, from growth companies to large listed companies. More advanced growth companies typically utilize the services of an interim CFO during the personnel change situation where there is a need to maintain a financial management function running during the transition period. In listed companies and other larger companies, needs can be broadly related to the tasks of the business control function, group reporting and, if necessary, Greenstep's experts have also served in the role of CFO of listed companies. The Interim controller / CFO always also helps in orienting the new employee.

Financial reporting process specialist or business partner

Succeeding in the role of controller requires excellent knowledge of business and industry. Good growth and profitability can be achieved both by improving the company's internal processes and by taking advantage of market opportunities. Greenstep's experts have very extensive experience in various industries and the ability to provide management with relevant information to guide and drive the business forward. We support and challenge decision-makers to exceed goals and build processes to support genuine information management.

Continuous development is the key to success

Most companies live in an ever-changing market. Technology is evolving rapidly and competition has become more international. To succeed, a company needs flexibility and the ability to transform quickly. Financial information must be readily available and take account of changing situations. This requires continuous development and simplification of processes in order to be able to respond cost-effectively to the growing need for information.

In many companies, upgrading old systems has been left behind by others in a hurry and no longer meets growing needs. The greatest benefit of Interim controller / CFO services is achieved when, in addition to the resource shortage, the company wants to have its financial function and business developed financially. An experienced expert is able to bring a whole new perspective to the financial function and produce significant added value for the future, even on a fast schedule. Greenstep helps you find the best financial management systems and processes for your company.

Would you like more information about our financial management services? Contact us!