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Greenstep started its targeted and systematic sustainability work in the spring of 2019, but the values of the agile family business have guided its growth in a sustainable direction from the very beginning.

Sustainability is reflected in our daily activities and in everything we do, because only when sustainability is at the heart of everything we do, can our sustainability work be truly effective.

Over the years, Greenstep's sustainability work has also expanded beyond organizational boundaries and our experienced Sustainability Services team helps our customers to develop sustainable businesses of the future.

Read our Sustainability Report

At Greenstep, sustainability is part of the whole organization and everyone's work.

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Equal and healthy working community

Our success is based on our experts, and their well-being is of principal importance to us. We promote our employees' well-being by supporting their health and ability to work, and by creating an open and supportive working environment. Our community spirit and employee satisfaction levels are high and are measured weekly, allowing us to identify and address any issues quickly. The eNPS (Employee Net Promoter Score) is 69, which is a very good result.

Equality is strongly linked to Greenstep's core values. We monitor how equality is practiced through our annual employee satisfaction surveys. Greenstep's Code of Conduct has been developed together with our employees and sets out the main principles that guide the company. It ensures that our business practices are ethical and that we're trustworthy to our customers. The principles are introduced to all greenstepers during their induction period and all employees are committed to upholding them in their daily work.

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High-quality competence development

The will to reinvent and develop ourselves is one of Greenstep's values and a promise of quality to our customers. We support our experts in their development through customer projects and internal training. Greenstep Academy offers versatile and high-quality topical training events and longer training paths for each greensteper.

Competence development is part of our social responsibility and we participate in various cooperation projects with universities, for instance. In addition, our subsidiary Carestep was founded to develop competency. Carestep provides high-quality cleaning services to its customers and uses 100% of its profits to train and advise its employees.

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Environmentally sustainable choices

We make environmentally sustainable choices in all our operations and aim to minimize our carbon footprint and increase our carbon handprint. For example, we have switched to using 100% renewable electricity in most of our offices, and we favor CO2-compensated products and services. Unavoidable emissions are compensated using Compensate Credits.

In addition, Greenstep has reviewed the taxonomy eligibility of its own service business and identified Sustainability Services and parts of Analytics and BI (Business Intelligence) Services as taxonomy-eligible for climate change adaptation (Activity 8.2).

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Economic sustainability and governance

Our offices in various locations in the Nordic, Netherlands and Baltic countries support the business development of our local customers and local innovation, employment and growth. We want to reward our employees each year for their good work and for making success possible, which is why we distribute 10% of the Greenstep Group's operating profit directly to our employees as a "Together" bonus.

At Greenstep, economic responsibility also includes direct responsible investments in Finnish growth companies and renewable energy.

We are proud taxpayers and do not engage in aggressive tax planning. We contribute to building a prosperous society by paying our total taxes in each country where we operate. We have calculated our tax footprint, which can be found in our 2023 Sustainability Report.

Safer Space principles for all greenstepers

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Be open & listen

Let’s not make assumptions about gender, sexual orientation, religion, physical ability, background, or other personal characteristics.

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Words matter

Let’s select them carefully and with respect without assumptions. Example: If we don't know each other yet, we can avoid making assumptions by using gender-neutral expressions such as spouse or partner.

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Let’s not comment on physical appearance

We don't comment, especially on others' bodies, even though we would consider them to be positive.

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Let’s be curious to challenge stereotypes and learn

Each of us can still have stereotypes. We all make mistakes from time to time. It is important to give and receive feedback, learn from mistakes, give others space to learn, and apologize if we hurt someone.

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Let’s take everybody on board

No one is left behind.