Netsuite ERP Greenstep

Succeed with NetSuite's CRM

NetSuite Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a robust and comprehensive native module that provides businesses with a 360-degree view of their customers. In this article we delve into the features, benefits, and functionalities of NetSuite CRM.

NetSuite Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is designed to streamline customer service processes, improve customer satisfaction, but also help nurture lead relationships.

NetSuite CRM robust features and benefits make it an invaluable tool for taking care of customer relationships, nurturing new sales leads, and increasing sales performance overall. There are multiple add-ons that can extend the usage of the ERP and help unify the process from lead generation to cash.

Whether you're a small business looking to streamline your customer service processes or a large corporation seeking to improve your sales performance, NetSuite CRM has the tools and capabilities to meet your needs. Customization and automation possibilities ensure that the solution fits just right.

Think of it this way:

“When you are building a house, you have the electrician, the plumber, the carpenter and all the other workers. Someone must coordinate their work and have a mutual understanding to finish the house. That’s our role in customer projects with NetSuite, we are coordinating the CRM, Finance, Accounting to build a complete house that is the NetSuite ERP.”

Align your teams into one CRM

The beauty of NetSuite's CRM is that you can cater it to multiple teams and create Custom role dashboards and KPIs – including Actionable reminders, KPIs and trend charts, analytics.


Capturing leads from online form submissions, marketing lists imports, lead source auto-selection based on various inputs. Marketing campaigns, Outbound email automation.


Prospect, Opportunity, Quote creation and management, Sales documentation management, eSign integrations.


You can easily flag customers at risk using credit warnings or custom fields ex Accounts Receivable balances or customers missing KYC details.


Support case management while getting a holistic picture of the client interactions.

Benefits of Using NetSuite's CRM

Improved Customer Relationships

NetSuite CRM enables businesses to build and maintain strong customer relationships. One of the primary benefits of NetSuite CRM is its ability to provide businesses with a 360-degree view of their customers. This comprehensive view allows businesses to understand their customers better, anticipate their needs, and provide personalised experiences. This, in turn, leads to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. Furthermore, NetSuite CRM's customer service management feature ensures that all customer queries and issues are addressed promptly and effectively. This not only improves customer satisfaction but also enhances the business's reputation.

Increased Sales Performance

Another benefit of NetSuite CRM is its ability to improve sales performance. By providing businesses with real-time visibility into customer data, NetSuite CRM allows them to identify sales opportunities, develop targeted marketing strategies, and close deals more effectively. Moreover, NetSuite CRM's sales force automation feature streamlines sales processes, reduces administrative tasks, and increases productivity. This leads to increased sales performance and revenue.

The CRM module is embedded in the NetSuite solution

This provides a seamless integration of customer data across all business functions, enhancing collaboration and decision-making. This unified platform enables real-time visibility into sales, customer service, and marketing metrics, driving efficiency and improving overall customer relationship management.

Key features of the NetSuite CRM

  • 360 business view
    Having everything in one system that natively feeds in sales actions to reporting, planning and case management is great for visibility across teams. NetSuite CRM has a plethora of features that cater to various business needs, enhance customer relationships and improve sales team performance. The secret is to have all data in one system.
  • Reporting and analytics
    Gain instant access to comprehensive customer data, such as history, transactions and preferences. You can monitor your team performance against quotas and pipeline by stage. And, your marketing teams can analyze acquisition, engagement, and conversion metrics for each campaign.
  • Coordinated interactions
    Track customer interactions across multiple channels, including phone, email, and social media and ensure that all customer cases and issues are addressed promptly and effectively.
  • Customer service and support
    Provide personalised customer experiences by tracking and monitoring customer behaviour and identifying trends, predicting future behaviour, and developing targeted marketing strategies.
  • Sales automation
    Streamline and automate the sales process, manage leads, quotes, opportunities, upsells and customer interactions better. Workflows is a great tool to automate a lot of processes.
  • Lead routing
    You can create as many rules as you need to properly route leads to sales reps who are most suitable for that territory, product, industry.
  • Saved searches
    You can build saved searches to assist you and add them to your sales teams dasboards. Examples: Opportunities that have not been contacted for 20 days, Prospects without opportunities that have not been contacted in 10 days. Add these as saved searches to make navigating quicker.
  • Suite scripting
    Suite scripting is an incredibly powerful tool that you can use. You could for ex create a script to add specific details such as sales notes front and center o the record and to auto-collapse notes after there are too many of them. This will allow your team to see what is going on immediately without clicking the communications tab. If you understand javascript you’ll easily learn Suitescript, but keep in mind that Greenstep is always here to help you with Suite Scripting.
  • The concept of roles
    You can create and assign roles that dictate when users can do and control which forms they have access to, what their dashboards look like and what the navigation looks like. Using roles you can tailor your NetSuite user interface to each of your employee roles.
  • Segments
    You can also use segments (Department, Class, Location or custom) to dictate who can see certain customers and transactions.
  • Pre-built connectors
    There are lots of connectors that you can use to integrate your NetSuite to other systems, ex outlook, power bi, hubspot, salesforce etc.

Challenges with the NetSuite CRM

  • All systems have flaws
    There's not one CRM that is perfect, but in our opinion NetSuites benefits (when implemented properly) far outweigh is challenges. Here are the main challenges that we have experienced with NetSuite.
  • The user interface can feel quite clunky
    The biggest concern with NetSuites CRM is the number of clicks it takes to do things out of the box. For example, viewing contacts on a customer page takes a few clicks. The best solution to this is to hide unnecessary fields and use saved searches and customer dashboards.
  • A lot of fields are shown by default
    We recommend that you hide all unnecessary fields.
  • Saved Searches are limited
    You can only filter by one layer up or down, ex you can filter contacts by customer and case attributes, but you cannot by ex cases that are managed by employees with a specific job title. To improve your filtering you can use our data warehouse and connect your NetSuite CRM to PowerBI.
  • Adding a new lead requires quite a few clicks
    Using the Quick add: New lead” doesn’t allow you to insert a primary contact for the company. To make this easier, you can help your sales team add a browser shortcut that takes them to the relationships – leads – new view directly. To add the basics of the contacts directly to the Lead record, enable contacts sublist on the form.

Conclusion – contact Greenstep if you want to have a good experience with NetSuites and the CRM module

In conclusion, NetSuite is a powerful tool for businesses in need of a CRM. Once set up correctly, your customer relationship management process should be smooth sailing. To set it up correctly we strongly advise that you contact someone who has implemented NetSuites CRM multiple times. Greenstep has helped many companies to improve their customer relationshop management and will gladly help you too.