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NetSuite's Project Management will bring operational efficiency to your Consulting Business

Consulting businesses have a unique set of requirements to which NetSuite combined with Greensteps add-ons caters especially well. Allocating time, expenses or other purchases to projects, and then invoicing and accounting for those projects can all be done within NetSuite. If you have multiple subsidiaries working on the same projects, then NetSuite can solve all your intercompany billing automatically. Complex billing such as a mix of fixed and hourly-based billing can also be setup in NetSuite.

We’ve implemented NetSuite for consulting companies ranging from a few hundred to thousands of employees and would gladly review if NetSuite & our add-ons could work for your business.

Get Started with NetSuite Project Management

Selected Greenstep NetSuite PSA Business references

  • Efecte
  • Futurice
  • Gofore
  • Haltian
  • Siili
  • Taaleri
  • Net Suite Silo AI
  • Net Suite Midagon logo
  • Net Suite Cinia logo
  • Greenstep 2 logo rgb c
  • Efecte
  • Futurice
  • Gofore
  • Haltian
  • Siili
  • Taaleri
  • Net Suite Silo AI
  • Net Suite Midagon logo
  • Net Suite Cinia logo
  • Greenstep 2 logo rgb c
  • Efecte
  • Futurice
  • Gofore
  • Haltian
  • Siili
  • Taaleri
  • Net Suite Silo AI
  • Net Suite Midagon logo
  • Net Suite Cinia logo
  • Greenstep 2 logo rgb c
  • Efecte
  • Futurice
  • Gofore
  • Haltian
  • Siili
  • Taaleri
  • Net Suite Silo AI
  • Net Suite Midagon logo
  • Net Suite Cinia logo
  • Greenstep 2 logo rgb c
  • Efecte
  • Futurice
  • Gofore
  • Haltian
  • Siili
  • Taaleri
  • Net Suite Silo AI
  • Net Suite Midagon logo
  • Net Suite Cinia logo
  • Greenstep 2 logo rgb c
  • Efecte
  • Futurice
  • Gofore
  • Haltian
  • Siili
  • Taaleri
  • Net Suite Silo AI
  • Net Suite Midagon logo
  • Net Suite Cinia logo
  • Greenstep 2 logo rgb c

Your Employees deserve good processes and usable tools

All businesses must take care of their employees, but in consulting the employees are the end product, so losing an employee will most likely decrease your revenue. Thus you cannot afford to lose employees because of a poor process or unusable tools. To increase your revenue, the tools used need to be low-effort and high yield in terms of the output of the time used for administrative duties.

With the proper setup, your employees can manage projects and see new aspects of their own work to and allow them to improve their own

NetSuite in itself can be used for time-tracking, expenses and charge-management, but it’s not necessarily the most user-friendly tool, so in some cases you might want to consider using external tools for hours and expenses.

NetSuite is great from a holistic consulting business process standpoint

The best part about NetSuite is that it has all your business data in one system. Accounting, Operations, Sales and other departments will work together enabling you to get a wholistic image of your business.

Siili Solutions recommends Greenstep as a NetSuite Implementation Partner

With 1000 consultants, Siili has managed to achieve operational efficiency on a completely new level using NetSuite implemented by Greenstep.

NetSuite + BI Book + Bezala = The Perfect Combination for Consulting Companies

Netsuite nav

NetSuite: All Operative employees and your Finance team

Project creation, task management, time tracking (External & Internal), project invoicing, Self-billing, HR features. Financial & Consolidated reporting, Parent Company Financials, Subsidiary Financials, Master Data Management, Sales Invoicing & Purchase Data Management

Bibook nav

BI Book: Used by your Management & Board

Review Power BI dashboards for Management reporting, KPIs, APMs, Budgeting, Forecasting and People Analytics.

Bezala nav

External expense Reporting: All Operative Employees

Expense reporting is usually done outside of NetSuite using expense software such as Bezala

Greensteps Enhancements for Consulting Companies using standard NetSuite Project Management:

  • Charge Management Tool

    Managing which hours should be invoiced can be done in NetSuite, but it requires modifying each charge separately. To improve this process, we've developed a Charge Management Tool that you can use to edit multiple time-entries at once.

    Actual worked time and billable time can also be separated if needed.

    You can filter per project per month and work through them until that month is ready for billing.

    NetSuite Charge management within NetSuite

    Charge management inside or outside of NetSuite?

    Depending on your needs, charge management can be done within NetSuite or outside of it.

    The main benefit of handling your time-entry and charge management outside of NetSuite comes in form of cost saving due to not needing Employee licenses in NetSuite.

    Here's a preview of what charge management outside of NetSuite can look like:

    NetSuite Charge Management
  • External Contractor Self Billing

    To ease the invoicing process for external contractors, we've developed a tool that does the following:

    • Contractors insert time & expenses to your NetSuite projects
    • When the project invoices are sent, a vendor bill to be paid to the contractor will automatically be generated, and the contractor will receive a copy for their own accounting.

  • Auto-Assign Tasks & Projects to Employees

    One of the most burdensome parts of the NetSuite Projects module is inserting resources (employees) behind projects. With Greensteps Auto-Assign, you automate assigning resources based on rules. For example, you can automatically:

    • Assign internal tasks to new employees
    • Assign department specific tasks to employees when they are assigned to that department (Ex your Marketing department in the Netherlands will see their own projects).
    • Create custom searches for employees with any NetSuite criteria and assign projects/tasks to them
  • Time-Entry Validation

    NetSuite has a few flaws and missing important features to get valid time entries. To help with this, we've developed a tool that will validate the time-entries:

    • Checks that the time entry matches the current month (exact match or a pre-specified range of months). Better control in the process compared to the standard grace period
    • Checks that the time entry matches a valid period based on the project task start and end date information
    • Notifications and warnings if the project budget is about to be exceeded

    The validation can be done on any criteria that suits your company best.

  • Time-Entry Migration

    If mistakes were made and time-entries have been allocated to the incorrect project, then you can migrate them to the correct one using our tool for admins.

    NetSuite Move Time Entry
  • Sales Invoice

    Look & Feel

    By default NetSuite's Sales Invoices and the accounting go hand in hand meaning that the Sales Invoice will have as many lines as the NetSuite accounting transaction. This might be confusing for clients if you have multiple people from different departments working on the same projects.

    We've developed tools to configure the look and feel of the invoices sent from NetSuite to your needs.


    Sending an invoice and then having to correct it through credit invoices can take a lot of time. Sometimes it's better to pre-approve the invoice from the customer before sending it. For that purpose, we've built a tool through which your customers can pre-approve invoices before they are sent.

  • Flex Time Calculation

    Flex time is quite popular for consulting companies where projects might temporarily require more work than the normal work hours.

    We've built a tool that will automatically calculate the balance of the employee based on their worked hours, vacations and work contract.

  • Long Absence Entry

    NetSuite does not have any pre-built tools for adding multiple days at a time meaning that each day has to be inserted separately.

    We've developed a tool to make this easier for your employees, allowing them to add for ex. a longer vacation or absence with one form after which we automatically create the time entries for each day.

    NetSuite Long Time Entry

    The time-entries will be created based on the employees work contract.

  • Payroll Integrations

    Payroll systems often require that vacations are reported in periods, whereas NetSuite allows you to report multiple separate days at the same time.

    Our HR integration tool will split the vacation days to periods before reporting them to your HR/ Payroll tool.

    Vacation Planning in NetSuite?

    With our Vacation Planning tool, you can approve vacations directly in NetSuite. To assist with resourcing, we've also developed a view to see when your team members will be on vacation.

    When a vacation request is approved, we automatically create the time entries for it.

  • Reporting: Advanced project profitability

    The NetSuite Advanced Project Profitability Cloud Application enables you to report project profitability with actual and committed (forecasted) costs and revenues from the following areas:

    • Time sheet entries
    • Purchase orders
    • Sales orders
    • Amortizations
    • Revenue Recognition

    This will allow you to see the following:

    • Project Profitability Report
    • Profit & Loss tab at a project level
    • Project Profitability KPIs

    There's also a report where you can see the Employee Profitability per Project.

    To enable the Advanced Project Profitability app, go to Setup -> Company -> Enable Features -> Projects -> check the Advanced Profitability box & save.