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Guides & Trend reports

Looking for a new vision of leadership? Information on trends for successful business, the twists and turns of growth stories? Check out our guides!

This page brings together expert resources on everyday business and business development. For example, you can access free guides compiled by our experts to support your business in our knowledge base. Click below to go to the material of interest.

Enjoy your reading!

💚 Greenstep

Guide Starting a business in Finland 2024

Guide for starting a business in Finland

Are you considering launching a business in Finland? This comprehensive guide is tailor-made for you by our tax & legal team.

You'll discover:

  • All the essential information about Finland
  • Types of businesses
  • Legal requirements
  • Taxation and VAT regulations
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Domestic software market analysis by Greenstep Transactions Services Partners Ismo Saari & Thomas Westerlund

We are excited to share with you our analysis of the domestic software market. In this analysis, we distinguish between software consultancies and SaaS companies due to their different unit economics and business models and, therefore, their different operational and strategic priorities. ​

​The Finnish software market has approximately 30 major private and public players competing globally, and a long tail of smaller operators fueled by the vibrant start-up scene that has prospered over the last ten years.

Click and read more!

Starting a business in sweden website

Are you considering launching a business in Sweden?

This comprehensive guide is tailor-made for aspiring entrepreneurs like you.

  • Discover essential information about Sweden
  • Explore various types of businesses you can start
  • Learn about the legal requirements
  • Gain insights into taxation and VAT regulations
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Free guide for all those interested in L&D

The L&D Guide 2023 is your concise overview of Learning & Development and how to develop it in your organisation. You will get the insight of our L&D professionals on topics such as:

  • The key priorities for L&D management this year
  • The most popular ways of learning right now
  • Our top tips for developing L&D in your organisation
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Everything you need to know about prohibited cash loans in Sweden

This guide will help you in situations where you, as a partner in a company in Sweden, are considering transferring capital from your company to you as an individual, or alternatively from one limited company to another limited company.

You can find out more about:

  • Prohibited cash loans - what is it?
  • Exceptions from the ban
  • Tax implications
  • Withdrawal taxation


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