Greenstep expands to Norway

Greenstep 2021 07 web
Katrin ohlander

Katrin Ohlander

Marketing Manager

Greenstep will start operations in Norway in April 2022 with a target to onboard customers during Q3/2022. Through the expansion, the business can now also serve its current and new customers locally in Norway. All Greenstep's services (financial management, CFO services, financing, payroll, HR, tax, analysis, ERP systems, and automation) will soon be available in Norway.

The goal is to meet the growing demand from existing and new customers who are in place in Norway, Finnish or Swedish companies established in Norway, but also the growth partners who want to start a business and offer them the best possible help with local support and expertise.

As an all-in-one service provider, Greenstep has a range of software, Bezala, the application developed by Greenstep that helps you to make expense claims swiftly and easily, BI Book, the best BI tool on the market for data crunching and presentation, and NetSuite which is the global business platform that scales up to the various needs of growing companies. These softwares help customers manage their bookkeeping, payroll, ERP, analytics, HR, and expense claim processes efficiently.

"We want to be present where the customers are and are now entering a new exciting growth phase for Greenstep together with our partners. We look forward with great joy and humility to the development of our Norwegian subsidiary", says Tore Teir, Chairman of the Board of Greenstep.

Founder of the growth company Greenstep: "Now we are looking for Norwegian greensteppers."

Tore Teir founded Greenstep just over ten years ago, and now the company has grown into a profitable growth company in four countries with a turnover of 50 million euros and more than 540 employees. To succeed and create added value for our partners, the company needs the best experts.

- One of our most important core processes is recruitment. When we succeed, we do not need to make acquisitions to grow, says Tore Teir.

Greenstep's culture includes strong networking. When a position is vacant, a lot of work is put into finding the most suitable candidate.

To find the right kind of greensteppers, Teir strives to meet each person, and he meets more than 200 candidates each year.

- At Greenstep, we have versatile expertise in financial management. We work a lot in teams, help our colleagues, and share information and knowledge with each other daily. Through openness, discussions, joint parties, and events, we protect the community in the company. With careful recruitment processes, we can also be sure that the people we hire fit into the company and the culture.

Recruitment to the Norwegian office is now underway, and a number of stakeholders have already contacted us. Greenstep will create 10-15 new job opportunities with an emphasis on primarily accounting and payroll consultants in the first year, and we hope for a continued good response, Teir continues.

Without joy, positive energy, and drive, nothing great can be achieved.

The importance of sales is central to the success of a growth company but not crucial.

- Sales at Greenstep is about meeting customers, and I spend a lot of time on it. I have always been interested in listening to business stories, plans, and needs. That is my great passion. Without positive energy and great drive, nothing great can be achieved.

- There should be joy in the company! That is when a successful business can arise, says Tore Teir with a smile on his face.