Oura's experiences with Greenstep Hub - reliable communications and easy data transfers

Mikael Vihriälä
Manager, CRM and Customer Insight
Greenstep Hub is a customer portal that facilitates collaboration between the customer and Greenstep. Our first customers have been using the Hub for a few months. One of our pilot customers is Oura, a manufacturer of smart rings, for whom we have been managing their payroll for almost ten years. We interviewed Heidi Immonen, Oura's payroll contact, who told us how collaboration with the payroll team has changed since the introduction of Hub.
Before the implementation of Greenstep Hub, Oura's collaboration with the Greenstep payroll team was mainly done via email. Payroll always involves a lot of confidential discussions and file transfers. Both parties need to be vigilant to ensure that messages are sent to the right people - human error can never be completely avoided. Now, with Greenstep Hub, email is a thing of the past. Today, payroll-related conversations and file transfers take place in Greenstep Hub, which is a 100% secure environment.
"For me as the payroll contact person, Greenstep Hub is a more important tool than email" -Heidi Immonen / Oura Health
Communication made more reliable and easy
The implementation of Greenstep Hub has brought a lot of added value to the everyday life of the payroll team. When using the Hub, customers can always rely on messages being delivered either to the dedicated greensteper or the person filling in for them.
"It's great that all relevant people have access to my messages within Greenstep. Now I don't have to worry whether or not the message gets delivered if our payroll contact person is for example sick", says Immonen thankfully.
For Oura, reliability and up-to-date information are particularly important in the payroll service. Immonen describes the change: "When I send a message to Greenstep, I can see in real time on the Hub whether the team has seen it or not. As things progress at Greenstep, the status of the message changes handily. This way, I don't have to get a separate acknowledgement from the payroll department to see if the message has been seen or processed."
Immonen also praises Hub's search functionality: " I particularly like Hub's search functionality. In payroll, my hands are often full and sometimes it's hard to remember if I've already notified Greenstep of a particular issue. By searching the Hub with a person's name, for example, I can see if I have forgotten to send the message. If I find the message, I can quickly see Greenstep's response and don't have to ask the same question again."

A swift implementation
The first pilot customers started using Hub in December 2023. "I had just started at Oura when our recruitment team told me about the opportunity to join the Hub pilot. From the start, I wanted to make sure we had the smoothest possible processes in our day-to-day payroll operations. I thought that now, if ever, was the time to learn a new way of working. Hub seemed like a sensible idea," Immonen says.
The first pilot customers started using Hub in December 2023. "I had just started at Oura when our payroll team told me about the opportunity to join the Hub pilot. From the start, I wanted to make sure we had the smoothest possible processes in our day-to-day payroll operations. I thought that now, if ever, was the time to learn a new way of working. Hub seemed like a sensible idea," Immonen says.
The implementation of the Hub was easy, according to Immonen. The first step was to sign up to the terms of service, after which Oura could start using the service immediately. As an admin, Immonen is also able to invite other users to the platform from Oura.
To ensure that messages in the Hub are not missed, email notifications can be customised on a per-user basis. "I get an immediate notification for every message that comes into the Hub, and sometimes there are quite a few. Our other user mainly turned off his own notifications, as he interacts with Greenstep less often. However, when there is a need to fill in for me, it's great that he has access to the message and document history," says Immonen.
Why implement Greenstep Hub?
Immonen recommends using Greenstep Hub, because it's simple and easy to use. All of the necessary information is available in one place, securely, and all relevant people can have access to it. Immonen thinks that Hub will get even more advanced quickly: "The software has developed really much in a short amount of time - Greenstep is listening to feedback proactively!"

What does Greenstep Hub look like?
You can watch a demo video of Greenstep Hub here.
Published 17.09.2024