4 ways in which the LMS (Learning Management System) helps growth companies drive performance

Lms kasvuyrityksille
Heidi juhantalo

Heidi Juhantalo

L&D Consultant

Many organisations are wondering at what point and why they should adopt an LMS. It may not be necessary for smaller companies providing only a few training sessions or Teams recordings, and some companies will do just fine with an off-the-shelf online course library provided by an external provider, too. However, growing companies benefit from their own LMS in several ways.

Systematic competency management with LMS

Competency management is an integral part of business competitiveness. Along with new strategy plans (and along the way, too) organisations should actively compare their competence needs against their strategic objectives and ask the following questions:

  • what competences and skills do we need to achieve the strategic goals,
  • what is the current state of required competency,
  • what skills do we need in the ever-changing work life and technology development, and
  • what competences should we focus on developing now to ensure future growth.

The identification of competence gaps, for example in the context of sustainability requirements, EU regulation, digitalisation, usage of artificial intelligence, or providing new services, needs to be done early enough so that action can be taken to acquire needed competences. One can build training programs and certificate processes in LMS, track certificates and learning activities. Once the LMS has been in use for some time, data on acquired competences and certificates will accumulate. This also makes it easy to map the current status of competences.

Reach compliance and sustainability goals with LMS

Training your personnel the compliance and sustainability requirements and how to apply them in practice is part of corporate responsibility. The verification of training achievements will become increasingly important with the introduction of new regulation related to sustainability and ESG. Various sustainability requirements and certifications (e.g. ISO27001) will require training of each staff member and proof of such training to pass competency audits.

Responsibility metrics and responsibility reporting will add to the training needs of personnel. Everyone needs to understand what sustainability means in their own organisation and in their own work. Code of conduct, other compliance themes, safety regulations, data protection, information security, cyber security, and customer due diligence are often the first training topics on the LMS platform. Rules and regulations change frequently, and the LMS makes it easy to update and re-deliver training.

Provide effective induction with LMS

When an organisation is recruiting at a steady pace, hiring several seasonal employees each year, opening new units outside its borders or acquiring a new business, an LMS not only helps HR and team leaders, but streamlines the induction process and the transfer of subject matter expertise from one specialist to other, and eases the adoption of company culture and practical ways of working.

An effective digital induction programme helps the new employees find their way in the company’s digital infrastructure, work safely and in compliance with specific policies, learn the basics of company services and products, and find information on their own. Faster and smoother transition from onboarding phase to productive work can be expected when the LMS provides part of the induction.

Foster active and agile learning culture with LMS

Naturally, a growing company is constantly investing in the development of its personnel. Regular mapping of and responding to training needs contributes to building a continuous learning culture. The LMS provides a platform and structure for the coordination, delivery and follow-up of internal training programmes. The LMS allows marketing and targeting training to the right audience, tracking performance and attendance, sending invitations and reminders.

Sharing knowledge from one expert to another is key in a culture of continuous learning. With an easy-to-use LMS, anyone can produce training content for the platform in their area of expertise. When the LMS contains training for every business unit and service line, and the training content is actively updated, the LMS becomes a place where it is natural for staff to produce content themselves with a low threshold. Storing all training in one place makes it easy for the personnel to look for and join training.

If you are considering purchasing an LMS, need support with existing LMS or with building new training content, we are here to help you. Please contact us and let’s find out how our L&D experts and pedagogues can help you!

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