International growth company Betolar made a successful transition to IFRS with the help of Greenstep
For Betolar, Greenstep represents more than just financial consultancy; it embodies a holistic business partner. In addition to financial matters, Greenstep's diverse team of experts aids Betolar in building competitive operations on the global stage.
Betolar, a Finnish green transition growth company, develops sustainable concrete production by replacing cement with side-stream-based materials. Recently listed on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market, Betolar aims for international growth with the assistance of Greenstep's experts.
"We began our partnership with Greenstep in 2021, coinciding with our listing on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market. Greenstep helped us prepare for the initial public offering and later with the IFRS transition. Additionally, they provide us with ongoing accounting services", said Riikka Ylikoski, CFO of Betolar.
Riikka Ylikoski tells about collaboration with Greenstep:
Greenstep's versatile services are scalable to the needs of a growth company
Due to the small size of the financial team, Betolar turned to external experts during the listing process. Greenstep's assistance was essential in aligning accounting, reporting, and financial statement practices for the initial public offering.
"When the transition to IFRS became necessary, we started the project together with Greenstep. Given our prior relationship, it was natural to continue working with them. The project began with an evaluation of our situation and defining critical standards under Greenstep's guidance. An external partner was an invaluable support to us, as our own expertise would not have been sufficient to carry out the project" explained Ylikoski.
Riikka Ylikoski and Greenstep's Minna Riihimäki

Fostering collaboration through growth and internationalization
Ylikoski describes managing a growth company as a demanding task, requiring adaptability to rapidly changing circumstances. Greenstep's financial expertise provides Betolar with stability, enabling risk management and laying a solid foundation for international expansion.
"Greenstep boasts top-tier experts to support Betolar's growth and internationalization. For us, it is paramount that all our employees, both internal and external, enjoy working together and collaborate towards common goals. Greenstep's experts have become integral to our community, enriching our operations. We trust that our accounting evolves in line with requirements through their support," described Ylikoski.
Beyond consultancy: Greenstep as a strategic partner
For Betolar, Greenstep represents more than just financial consultancy; it embodies a holistic business partner. In addition to financial matters, Greenstep's diverse team of experts aids Betolar in building competitive operations on the global stage.
"Greenstep's experts are deeply committed to collaboration. Whether it's internationalization, IFRS standards, or tax-related issues, they're always ready to engage with us. We receive prompt and immediate service from Greenstep, meeting our needs in our dynamic operating environment," summarized Ylikoski.
Published 11.06.2024