Paptic is a startup company that has a mission to replace the use of plastic with their environmentally friendly packaging material Paptic. Greenstep provides Paptic accounting, CFO and HR services.
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Paptic is an Espoo based startup company, actually originally a spin-off from VTT and our big mission is to replace plastics in the world by a novel, environmentally friendly packaging material that we call Paptic, Managing Director Tuomas Mustonen tells.
- When we started with Greenstep on the day one, we started with incorporation of the company, setting up all the governance procedures, but today they are a partner to us in basic accounting. We are also procuring our CFO services from Greenstep. They are also our payroll partner and we also use Greenstep for other more ad hoc type services, like HR questions.
- Because for a scale up company, it´s important that you get the things right from the day one. That´s why we chose Greenstep. For example in cases, where very technology oriented company Paptic, when we are for example reporting our public financed R&D projects, Greenstep has been a valuable resource for us in taking care of the reporting, the financial accounting, the auditing of projects, so they´ve been a turn-key partner for us.
- The value of Greenstep for a startup company, for a scale up company comes especially for the fact that when you can outsource your finance, the basic operations to a reliable partner, you can focus on the business, on the growth. You don’t have to worry about the nasty basic stuff because you need a partner for that.

Published 05.12.2019