The complete partner for your business in Oulu
We support you in both the day-to-day running of your business and the creation of growth. We provide services for financial management, human resources, business development and guidance.
We support you in both the day-to-day running of your business and the creation of growth. We provide services for financial management, human resources, business development and guidance.
If you need a comprehensive partner for your business, we are here for you! We have all the services you need to support your business – including accounting, payroll, CFO, tax and legal, and HR services, as well as transaction services, analytics, sustainability, L&D services, and more. We have a wide range of clients in different industries, from start-ups to listed companies.
So Greenstep is not just a traditional financial consultancy. We serve our customers both in Finland and beyond its borders with flexibility and regardless of location. Greenstep's 700 experts communicate, share knowledge and use it seamlessly across the different areas of the organisation, enabling them to be proactive and bring the knowledge of the entire organisation to the customer.
We are on a mission to back our clients up with clarity so that they can build the businesses of the future.
We at Greenstep are convinced that entrepreneurs will lead the Oulu region towards growth. We want to be involved and support this by ensuring that entrepreneurs make sound economic investments. Oulu has about 200 000 inhabitants of which every 22nd person is an entrepreneur. We know we can not help everyone, but we want to support growth companies and SMEs that are ready to take risks and create jobs. It is difficult to estimate how many growth companies there are in the Oulu region, but at least we know that most of the growth companies need capital to fund their cash flows. We also know that the companies that received funding is a fraction of the companies in Oulu. Approximately 2% (145 companies) of the companies in the Oulu region received development support from Tekes in year 2015.
Investors (public and private) often require detailed forecasts and reports. These may seem difficult at first, but brings benefits that give clarity to the business. The companies that receive funding must be able to forecast and plan carefully what the money will be used for. By making scenario analyses and cash flow calculations, companies and entrepreneurs manage their business in the right direction with financial clarity. This is how Greenstep will help Oulu and Finland towards growth!