Greenstep for Musikhjälpen - help us help!
We are proud to announce our participation in this year's Musikhjälpen. Through this year's theme ‘Everyone has the right to survive their pregnancy’ the aim is to contribute to the fight against maternal mortality.
This year, Greenstep will participate with a fundraiser and two auctions in Musikhjälpen, that will be broadcasted on 9-15 December from Stora Torget in Sundsvall. The theme for this year's fundraising is ‘Everyone has the right to survive their pregnancy’. We hope you will also join us and help through this important initiative!
Here's how you can help us help:
- Donate any amount to our digital bucket. You can find our bucket here (please notice that some of the information is avaliable only in Swedish).
- Bid on our auctions. We organise two auctions where you can bid for a sustainability or HR workshop for your company (value 30-40k SEK). The workshop can be held in Swedish, English or Finnish. You can find our auctions here.
What is Musikhjälpen?
Musikhjälpen, Music Aid, is yearly organized by the fundraising foundation Radiohjälpen in close collaboration with the Swedish public service companies Sveriges Television AB, Sveriges Radio AB and Sveriges Utbildningsradio AB. The mission is to raise awareness and funds for hidden disasters, with a different theme every year.
To draw attention to the fundraising and engage a bigger crowd, the event is also broadcasted. Three famous TV/radio hosts are locked in a glass cage on a public space in a Swedish city for 144 hours, from where they host the show. During the week they get visits from several celebrities and other guests. The programme is sent live 24/7 on radio P3 and television SVT/SVT Play.
Why is this year's theme so important?
Pregnancy and childbirth are life-changing happenings, but unfortunately many women still risk their lives due to a lack of care and resources as a result of war, climate disasters, poverty and other factors. Those who are already vulnerable are also the hardest hit, and maternal mortality is highest among young girls.
Together we can make a difference
Being able to help make the world a better place is something close to our hearts at Greenstep. Through this project, we are helping to create a world where all women have the right to a safe and healthy pregnancy. We also want to inspire our employees, customers and partners to help us help: join our fundraising efforts for this important cause, together we can make a real difference!
Sources: Radiohjäpen and Musikhjälpen.
Published 19.11.2024